IEEE-488 Reference
SCPI command subsystems
SCPI commands are categorized into subsystems and are summarized in Tables 3-4 through 3-
16. Following the tables, the subsystems are covered in the following alphabetical order:
3.13 Calculate subsystems —
Use :CALCulate1 to configure and control the math operations.
Use :CALCulate2 to manipulate readings stored in the buffer, and use :CALCulate3 to
configure and control the limit tests.
3.14 :CALibrate subsystem —
Use to null input offset current and voltage burden. Note: Use
the Model 6517 Service Manual to calibrate the instrument
3.15 :DISPlay subsystem —
Use to control display readings and messages.
3.16 :FORMat subsystem —
Use to select the data format for transferring instrument read-
ings over the bus.
3.17 Output subsystems —
Use to control the V-Source and select the polarity for the digital
output lines.
3.18 :ROUTe subsystem —
Use to control switching.
3.19 Sense subsystems —
Use to configure and control the measurement functions.
3.20 :SOURce subsystem —
Use to control the digital output port.
3.21 :STATus subsystem —
Use to configure and control the status registers.
3.22 :SYSTem subsystem —
Commands not covered by the other subsystems.
3.23 :TRACe subsystem —
Use to control the reading buffer.
3.24 Trigger subsystem —
Use to configure the Trigger Model.
3.25 :TSEQuence subsystem —
Use to configure and control test sequences.
3.26 :UNIT subsystem —
Use to select temperature units.