IEEE-488 Reference
3.22.14 RS-232 Interface Commands
The following commands are provided for control (enabled or disabled) of front panel keys
while using the RS-232 interface.
Take 6517A out of remote
Normally, the Model 6517A is in local during RS-232 communications. In this state, front panel
keys are operational. However, the user may wish to lock out front keys during RS-232 commu-
nications (see :LLOCkout).
This action command is used to take the Model 6517A out of the remote state and enables the
operation of front panel keys. Note that this command can only be sent over the RS-232 interface.
Place the Model 6517A in remote
This action command is used to place the Model 6517A in the remote state. In remote, the front
panel keys will be locked out if local lockout is enabled (see :LLOCkout). Note that this com-
mand can only be sent over the RS-232 interface.
:LLOCkout <b>
:SYSTem:LLOCkout <b>
Enable or disable front panel keys
<b> =
0 or OFF
Disable local lockout
1 or ON
Enable local lockout
Query state of local lockout
This command is used to enable or disable local lockout. If enabled, the front panel keys are
locked out (non-operational) when the instrument is in remote (see :REMote). If disabled, the
front panel keys are operational in remote. The instrument must be in remote in order to use this
Taking the instrument out of remote (see :LOCal) restores front panel keys operation, but does
not change the status of the :LLOCkout command.
Note that this command can only be sent over the RS-232 interface.
3.22.15 Basic Trigger Commands
The following commands are used to configure the Model 6517A for basic triggering. See para-
graph 2.15 for details on basic triggering.
:SYSTem:MACRo:TRIGger:MODE <name>
Specify trigger mode
When this action command is sent, the instrument will exit from advanced triggering and select
basic triggering. Sending this command while already in basic triggering has no effect on the
:MODE <name>
Select basic triggering