Front Panel Operation
ENTER-CHAN-COUNT: With this selection, the user deter-
mines the number of times operation returns to the scan lay-
er. You can program the Model 6517A to scan up to 99999
Use this menu item to enable or disable the source bypass.
The source bypass is used to bypass the scan event on the
first pass through the scan layer.
SOURCE: With this selection, the source bypass is enabled.
The scan event will be bypassed on the first pass through the
scan layer. This allows operation to proceed into the measure
layer without having to wait for the programmed event.
ACCEPTOR: With this selection, the source bypass is dis-
Configuring arm layer
The arm layer is used for the following operations:
• To select the arming event (SOURCE) for the instru-
• To designate the number of times the instrument is to be
armed (COUNT).
• To enable or disable the Source Bypass.
The arm layer is configured from the ARM item of the AD-
VANCED menu.
This menu item selects the event that controls the arm
IMMEDIATE: With this selection, operation passes immedi-
ately into the scan layer.
EXTERNAL: With this selection, external triggers are used
to control the arm source. A trigger stimulus applied to the
Model 6517A passes operation into the scan layer. The exter-
nal trigger is applied to the rear panel “EXTERNAL TRIG-
GER” BNC connector. See paragraph 2.15.4 for detailed
information on external triggering.
The front panel TRIG key (see MANU-
AL) is active with external triggering se-
lected. Pressing the TRIG key passes
operation into the scan layer.
MANUAL: With this selection, the front panel TRIG key
controls the arm source. Operation passes into the scan layer
when the TRIG key is pressed.
The front panel TRIG key is active when EX-
TERNAL, GPIB or TRIGLINK is selected.
GPIB: With this selection, bus triggers control the arm source.
Operation passes immediately into the scan layer when a bus
trigger (GET or *TRG) is received by the Model 6517A. See
Section 3 for detailed information on bus triggers.
The front panel TRIG key (see MANU-
AL) is active with bus triggering selected.
Pressing the TRIG key passes operation
into the scan layer.
TRIGLINK: With this selection, the arm source is controlled
by the Trigger Link of the Model 6517A. Trigger Link is an
enhanced trigger system that uses up to six lines to direct
trigger pulses to and from other instruments. Operation pass-
es into the scan layer when the Model 6517A receives a trig-
ger over the Trigger Link. See paragraph 2.15.5 for details on
using the Trigger Link.
The front panel TRIG key (see MANU-
AL) is active with the Trigger Link select-
ed. Pressing the TRIG key passes
operation into the scan layer.
After selecting TRIGLINK, you will be prompted to select
an input line and then an output line. Note that you cannot
use the same trigger line for both input and output.
RT-Clock: With this selection, the arm source is controlled by
the real-time clock. When the programmed time and data oc-
curs, the Model 6517A passes operation into the scan layer.
• SET-TIME — Use this selection to set the time (hour,
minute and second) for the arm event. Set the time using
the 12-hour format if “AM” or “PM” is displayed (see
CLOCK in paragraph 2.19.7). Otherwise, set the time
using the 24-hour format.
• SET-DATE — Use this selection to set the date (month,
day and year) for the arm event.