IEEE-488 Reference
Table 3-5
CALibration command summary
Null voltage burden
Null input offset current
*These are the only two commands accessible to the operator. To cali-
brate the instrument, refer to the Model 6517 Service Manual.
Table 3-6
DISPlay command summary
:DATA <a>
:STATe <b>
:DATA <a>
:STATe <b>
:SMESsage <b>
:ENABle <b>
Path to locate message to top display.
Query attributes of display characters; 1=blinking character, 0=other.
Path to control user text messages.
Define ASCII message “a” (up to 20 characters).
Query text message.
Enable or disable message mode.
Query text message state.
Read data on top portion of display.
Path to locate message to bottom display.
Query attributes of display characters; 1=blinking character, 0=other.
Path to control user text messages.
Define ASCII message “a” (up to 32 characters).
Query text message.
Enable or disable message mode.
Query text message state.
Read data on bottom portion of display.
Clear NEXT (or PREV) display messages and cancel associated operations.
Enable or disable status message mode.
Query status message state.
Enable or disable the front panel display.
Query state of the display.
(Note 1)
(Note 2)
(Note 1)
(Note 2)
(Note 3)
1. *RST and :SYSTem:PRESet has no effect on a user defined message. Cycling power cancels all user defined messages.
2. *RST and :SYSTem:PRESet has no effect on the state of the message mode. Cycling power disables (OFF) the message mode.
3. *RST and :SYSTem:PRESet has no effect on the display circuitry. Cycling power enables (ON) the display circuitry.