Front Panel Operation
2.6.2 Amps configuration
The following information explains the various configura-
tion options for the amps function. The configuration menu
is summarized in Table 2-9. This menu is accessed by press-
ing CONFIG and then I. Paragraph 2.3.5 summarizes the
rules for navigating through the menu structure.
Note that a function does not have to be selected in order to
be configured. When the function is selected, it will assume
the programmed status.
The SPEED parameter sets the integration time of the A/D
converter, the period of time the input signal is measured (al-
so known as aperture). It is discussed in paragraph 2.5.2.
Use this menu item to configure the two basic filter types: av-
eraging and median. Note that you can use either the averag-
ing filter, the median filter, or both.
The filter menu is available from the function configuration
menus (i.e. press CONFIG V) or by pressing CONFIG FIL-
TER with the desired function already selected. All of the pa-
rameters (menu items) for FILTER are explained in
paragraph 2.17.
The RESOLUTION parameter sets the display resolution. It
is discussed in paragraph 2.5.2 and 2.12.
The AUTO-RANGE option is used to configure autorange
for the amps function. This option allows you to speed up the
autoranging search process by eliminating upper and/or low-
er measurement ranges. For example, if you know that read-
ings will not exceed 1µA, you can specify the 2µA range to
be the maximum range. When the instrument autoranges (as-
suming AUTO RANGE is enabled), it will not search into the
current ranges above 2µA.
Allow sufficient time for settling when
autoranging over multiple ranges or down
to the lower current ranges, or erroneous
readings may occur.
USE-ALL-RANGES: With this selection, all current ranges
are used in the autoranging search process.
SET-LIMITS: This selection allows you to specify minimum
and maximum ranges in the autoranging search process:
• MIN-AUTO — Use to select the lowest range that you
want the instrument to autorange to.
• MAX-AUTO — Use to select the highest range that you
want the instrument to autorange to.
High capacitance seen at the input will increase reading
noise. This capacitance can be attributed to a long input cable
or to the capacitance of the source, or a combination of both.
Enabling damping will reduce this type of noise. However,
damping will also slow down the response of the measure-
Do not confuse damping with filtering. Damping is used to
reduce noise caused by input capacitance, while filtering is
used to reduce noise caused by a noisy input signal.
ON: Enable current damping
OFF: Disable current damping