Section 7: Troubleshooting
Trouble [05] Device Faults
Press [05] to determine specific trouble
Fire Trouble:
When a Fire Trouble is generated at the [05] Device faults ie
Device Faults > Fire Trouble
Ensure that, if the PGM-2 is configured as 2-Wire Smoke detector and not used, 5.6K EOL resistor
is used.
[01] Zone 1-248 faults
Wireless zones:
Enter [01] to view zones in fault. This trouble is
generated by a zone wireless supervisory trouble.
Ensure fire zones have a 5.6K resistor (green, blue, red) connected.
Remove wire leads from Z and COM terminals and measure resistance of the wire
Check for a short on DEOL zones or an open condition on SEOL fire zones.
Connect a 5.6K resistor across the Z and COM terminals. Verify the trouble condition
Placement test a wireless device and re-locate it if bad results are received.
Hardwired zones:
This trouble is generated by a short on hardwired zones
when DEOL or TEOL is used.
[03] Siren 1-16 faults
This trouble is caused by a wireless supervisory fault on a
wireless siren.
Placement test the wireless siren and re-locate if needed.
[04] Repeater 1-8 faults
This trouble is caused by a wireless supervisory fault on a
wireless repeater, or by the repeater shutting down due
to a loss of AC/DC power.
Placement test the wireless repeater and re-locate if needed.
[06] Device mask
Enter [06] to view the zone label in masking condition. A
zone programmed as 24H Anti- Masking or a wireless
device has detected a masking condition with one of its
Refer to the device manual to troubleshoot conditions that may cause masking detection for that
devices sensors.
[08] Heat trouble
Enter 10 to view the wireless zone which is detecting low
Move the device to a location with room temperature and ensure the trouble clears. If not check the
programming threshold for high temperature for the zone.
[09] CO trouble
Enter 09 to view the zone of a CO wireless device that is
in low sensitivity trouble.
Refer to the CO devices manual for troubleshooting steps for low sensitivity trouble.
[10] Freeze trouble
Enter 08 to view the wireless zone which is detecting high
Move the device to a location with room temperature and ensure the trouble clears. If not check the
programming threshold for low temperature for the zone.
[11] Probe disconn.
Enter [11] to view the wireless zone which has detected a
disconnect probe.
Refer to the temperature or flood detectors manual for troubleshooting steps for probe disconnected.
[12] Fire trouble
Enter [012] to view which zones are in Fire trouble.
If fire zone is a wireless smoke, ensure it is not tampered, or in supervisory trouble. Ensure the
smoke chamber is cleared of dust. If a 2wire smoke is used ensure a 2.2K EOL resistor is used. If
zone is a 4 wire smoke, ensure a 5.6K EOL resistor is used.
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