Section 4: System operation
Troubles may be viewed while the system is armed or disarmed. The system may be programmed to show all troubles while
armed or only fire troubles. See section [13] option 3 for details.
The system can be configured to require a user code to view [*][2] system troubles. See section [023] option 5.
To view trouble conditions:
Press [*][2] to enter the Trouble menu.
On an LCD keypad, scroll to a trouble type then press [*] to view the specific trouble. The zone name and trouble con-
dition for each trouble are displayed on the screen.
The trouble beeps generated by fire trouble are only silenced after [*][2]trouble menu is exited. A keypress in the
keypad will not silence the fire trouble beeps. For UL installations, set the value in section [023] bit 5 access code required
for [*][2] to enabled.
Table 4-4 : Trouble Indications
Trouble 01
Service Required:
Bell Circuit Trouble: The bell circuit is open
RF Jam: The HSM2HOSTx has detected an RF Jam condition
Loss of Clock: System time and date require programming.
Output 1 Fault: An HSM2204 module has detected an open condition on output #1.
Warm Start: Warm restart has occured.
USB Wi-Fi Connected: USB Wi-Fi adapter is detected
Power Unit Failure (System): Failure detected with internal power unit.
Failure detected with internal power unit (HSM3204CX Corbus Repeater)
Failure detected with internal power unit (HSM3350 3 A Power Supply)
Overcurrent Trouble: If the total current of the panel internal components and all outputs exceeds a threshold of 2.1 A for a period longer
than 5 minutes, an overcurrent trouble is generated. When the current goes below a 2.0 A threshold, the trouble restores. Do not exceed 2A
combined between AUX and Corbus.
Total current does not include bell current or battery charging.
Trouble 02 – Battery Trouble:
Panel Low Battery Trouble: The battery voltage is low.
Panel No Battery: No battery connected to alarm controller.
HSM2204 01 - 04 Low Battery: An HSM2204 has a low battery voltage.
HSM2204 01 - 04 No Battery: No battery connected to HSM2204.
HSM2300 01 - 04 Low Battery: An HSM2300 has a low low battery voltage.
HSM2300 01 - 04 No Battery: No battery connected to HSM2300.
HSM3204CX Low Battery: A Corbus repeater has a low battery voltage.
HSM3204CX No Battery: No battery connected to corbus repeater.
HSM3350 Low Battery 1: A 3 A power supply module has a low battery voltage.
HSM3350 Low Battery 2: A 3 A power supply module has a low battery voltage.
HSM3350 No Battery 1: No battery connected to 3A power supply module.
HSM3350 No Battery 2: No battery connected to 3A power supply module.
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