Section 5: Programming
[116] Ethernet Receiver 2 Domain Name
Default ( )
Enter the Domain Name as 32 character ASCII.
Ethernet Options
[124] Ethernet Test Transmission Time
Default (9999)
Enter a 4 digit number (0000-2359) using the 24-hour clock format (HHMM) to set the test transmission time of day. Valid
range: 00 - 23 hours (HH) and 00 - 59 minutes (MM). Programming a value of 9999 will disable the test transmission time.
The internal date and time will automatically be programmed when the unit communicates with the primary receiver.
[125] Ethernet Test Transmission Cycle
Default (000000)
This value represents the interval between test transmissions, in minutes. Valid range: 000000 - 999999 minutes. Once the
unit has sent the initial periodic test transmission, all future test transmissions will be offset by the programmed number of
minutes. See sections [026] - [029].
Table 5-6 Ethernet Test Transmission Interval
Test Transmission Interval
Programmed Minutes
Minimum value is 000005 minutes. Programming an interval that is less than 5 minutes will disable test transmission.
Cellular Receiver 3 Options
[201] Cellular Receiver 3 Account Code
Default (0000000000)
The account code is used by the central station to distinguish between transmitters. This account code is used when trans-
mitting heartbeat signals to the central station receiver. Signals received from the control panel will use the control panel
account number. Valid range: 0000000001 - FFFFFFFFFE.
[202] Cellular Receiver 3 DNIS
Default (000000)
The DNIS is used in addition to the account code to identify the communicator module at the central station. Valid range:
000000 - 0FFFFF Values are entered as a leading 0 followed by the 6-digit DNIS.
Each Ethernet/cellular receiver must be programmed with a unique DNIS.
[203] Cellular Receiver 3 IP Address
Default (
Enter the cellular receiver 1 IP address. This information will be provided by the central station system administrator. Each 3-
digit segment of the address must be within a valid range of 000-255.
When a valid IP address has been entered, the cellular receiver is enabled and will communicate events over the cel-
lular channel.
[204] Cellular Receiver 3 Port
Default (03061)
This section determines the port used by cellular receiver 3. Change the default value of this port when the installation is loc-
ated behind a firewall and must be assigned a particular port number as determined by the central station system admin-
istrator. Valid range: 00000 - 65535.
Programming this section with 00000 will disable the receiver.
[205] Cellular Receiver 3 APN
Default ()
The Access Point Name (APN) determines the cellular network that the communicator will connect to. This information is
available from the network carrier. Program this section as 32 ASCII characters.
When a SIM card with a custom APN is used, the unit will not have access to the Internet. DLS and remote flash can
still be done if section [221] is programmed with a valid public APN.
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