Section 5: Programming
Keypad buzzer alarms do not follow this timer.
Bell Delay Time
The Bell Delay Timer determines how long the bell will be delayed after a zone alarm event. Valid entries are 000-255 where 000 disables this
Burglary Verification Timer
If another zone with the Burglary Verification attribute enabled is violated within the duration of this timer, a burglary verified event is communicated
and logged. “Burglary Verified” is displayed on the keypad when the system is disarmed.
The burglary verification timer is programmed in minutes. Valid entries are 000 to 255 minutes.
Holdup Verification Timer
A holdup alarm is immediately communicated to the monitoring station and the holdup verification timer starts. A programmable counter
determines the number of additional holdup events that must occur before the timer expires to create a verified holdup event. Once this happens,
the holdup event is logged and communicated.
Not for use with UL/ULC listed installations. 000 disables this feature.
Zone Loop Response Time
Loop response time is a 3-digit entry from 005 to 255 programmed in 10ms increments. The minimum available loop response time is 50ms (e.g.,
program 005 for 50ms).
Automatic Clock Adjust
This value adds or subtracts seconds from the system clock at the end of each day to compensate for inaccuracies. To determine the adjustment
value, monitor the time lost or gained by the alarm system over a period of time and calculate the average gains or loses.
Example #1: The clock loses an average of 9 seconds per day. Program the alarm controller to adjust the clock by 51 seconds for the last minute of
each day. This speeds up the alarm controller’s clock by 9 seconds, correcting the problem.
Example #2: The clock gains an average of 11 seconds per day. Program the alarm controller to adjust the clock by 71 seconds for the last minute
of each day. This slows down the alarm controller’s clock by 11 seconds, correcting the problem.
If the Auto-arm time is set for 23:59, any change to the Clock Adjust option will directly affect the Auto-arm pre-alert time.
[001]-[008] Partition 1-8 Timers
The following timers can be applied to each partition.
For UL installations, the Entry Delay plus the Communications Delay must not exceed 60 seconds.
Entry Delay 1:
This value determines the entry delay time for delay 1 type zones. Valid entries are 001 to 255 seconds.
Entry Delay 2:
This value determines the entry delay time for delay 2 type zones. Valid entries are 001 to 255 seconds.
The system follows the entry timer that activates first.
Exit Delay:
This value determines the exit delay time when arming the system. During exit delay, both the Ready and Armed LEDs are on. When the exit delay
expires, both LEDs turn off.
European products will only activate the armed LED at the end of exit delay.
Settle Delay:
This timer enables a programmable, short duration bypass of all zones on the partition at the time of arming. It allows motion detectors to restore
when the system is armed to help prevent false alarms.
The typical value for this timer is 5 seconds, but can be increased if false alarms persist. Program 000 for no settle delay.
The settle delay duration is programmed in seconds. Valid entries are 000 to 010 seconds.
[900] – Bell Delay Partition Mask
This option enables or disables the Bell Delay feature for individual partitions. When the option is enabled, Bell Delay is
applied to the selected partition during alarm conditions. When the option is disabled, Bell Delay is not applied. The default
setting is (Y): enabled.
[901]/[902] – Daylight savings begin/end
Daylight Begin [001] and Daylight End [002]:
Set the date and time daylight savings starts and ends.
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