Section 4: System operation
[06] Chime On/Off
This function turns the door chime on or off and is the equivalent of pressing [*][4]. The alarm system must be disarmed to
use this function. If option 7 in section [023] is enabled, this function key requires an access code.
[07] System Test
This function performs a system test when pressed and is the equivalent of entering [*][6][Access Code][04]. The alarm sys-
tem must be disarmed to use this function. See "[*][6] user functions" on page 67 for more information.
[09] Night Arm
All perimeter and interior zones, excluding Night zones, are armed. This key only works while the system is disarmed or
armed in Stay mode.
If no Night type zones are programmed, the alarm system arms in Away mode with an audible exit delay. Exit delay is silent.
Arming in this mode activates the Away Arming PGM output.
[12] Global Stay Arm
This function arms all partitions assigned to the user in Stay mode, provided they are ready to arm. If a partition is not ready,
the system cannot be armed. An access code is required with this option.
[13] Global Away Arm
This function arms all partitions assigned to the user in Away mode, provided they are ready to arm. If a partition is not ready,
the system cannot be armed. An access code is required with this option.
[14] Global Disarming
This function disarms all partitions assigned to the user. An access code is required with this option.
[15] Temperature
This function allows the keypad to directly access the temperature display menu.
[16] Quick Exit
Pushing this key gives the user a 2 minute window to open and close one delay zone once without having to disarm the sys-
tem. This function is equivalent to entering [*][0] at the keypad while the partition is armed. If quick exit is not enabled on the
system, or if the system is disarmed, pressing this key causes an error tone. An access code is not required to use this key.
See "[015] System Option 3" on page 103 for more information.
[17] Arm Interior
This key removes or enables automatic bypass on all Stay/Away zones (equivalent to pressing [*][1] while armed).
If this function is performed while stay armed and, Night zones are programmed, the system arms in Night mode. If no Night
zones are programmed, the system arms in Away mode. If armed in Night or Away mode, this key switches the system back
to Stay mode. Pressing this key does not switch the arming mode from Night to Away.
This key only works while the system is armed and requires an access code entry if section [015] option 4 is disabled.
[21]-[24] Command Output 1 to 4
This function controls command outputs 1-4 and is the equivalent of entering [*][7][X], where X is 1, 3 or 4.
An access code is required to use this function.
Selecting command output 2 is the equivalent of pressing [*][7][2] sensor reset. See "103 – Sensor Reset [*][7][2]" on page 88
for more information.
[29] Bypass Group Recall
This function bypasses all zones belonging to the bypass group.
Zones must be saved in the bypass group for this function key to operate. An access code is required to use this feature if
section [023] option 4 is enabled.
Do not use with wireless keys.
[31] Local PGM Activate
This function controls a PGM connected to a keypad.
[32] Bypass Mode
This function places the keypad in Zone Bypass mode. Selecting this function is the equivalent of pressing [*][1] while dis-
armed. If an access code is required for bypassing, the user must enter the access code before using this function. An
access code is required if section [023] option 4 is enabled.
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