Section 5: Programming
7 – Remote Lockout
Sent when a number of invalid access codes have been entered through DLS or Integration. This reporting code is sent to
the system Tamper Alarm & Tamper Restore call direction group.
[201] Open/Close Events 1
1/2 – User Closing/Opening
This reporting code is transmitted when a user arms/disarms a partition and uses the Opening and Closing call direction.
5/6 – Special Closing/Opening
This reporting code is transmitted when a partition is closed/opened using quick arm ([*][0]), downloading, or Stay or Away
function keys without an access code. The Opening and Closing call direction group is used for this reporting code.
7/8 – Keyswitch Opening/Closing
This reporting code is transmitted when a keyswitch zone is used to arm or disarm the system.
[202] Open/Close Events 2
1 – Automatic Closing
This reporting code is transmitted when a partition is automatically armed or schedule armed and uses the Opening call dir-
ection group.
2 – Automatic Disarm
This reporting code is transmitted when a partition is automatically disarmed when a scheduled time of day is reached.
3 – Auto Arm Cancellation/Postpone
This reporting code is transmitted when the automatic arm sequence is canceled during a pre-alert and uses the Opening
and Closing call direction group.
[211] Miscellaneous Open/Close Events
1/2 – Late to Close/Open
This reporting code is transmitted when a partition is not disarmed before the automatic disarm time, when the late to open
option, ([*][6], option 9) is enabled. The Opening and Closing call direction group is used for this reporting code.
5 – Exit Fault
This reporting code is transmitted when an exit error occurs and entry delay expires before the system is disarmed. The
Alarms and Restores call direction group is used for this reporting code.
If the delay zone that caused the exit error has cross zoning enabled, the exit fault and zone alarm transmits if a second zone
is not tripped. The local alarm sequence follows cross zoning rules. The exit error is transmitted with the zone alarm that
caused the fault, even if that zone has transmission delay enabled.
[221] Bypass Events
1/2 – Automatic Zone Bypass/Unbypass
This reporting code is transmitted when a zone is automatically bypassed/unbypassed and uses the Opening and Closing
call direction group.
Must be enabled in UK.
03 – Partial Closing
This reporting code is transmitted if zones are manually bypassed at the time of arming or force armed by automatic arming.
The Opening and Closing call direction group is used for this reporting code.
Automatic bypasses caused by stay arming do not cause transmission of this code.
[301] Panel Events 1
1/2 – Panel AC Fail Trouble/Restore
This reporting code is transmitted when the alarm system AC supply fails or has been restored. A programmable delay
applies to both the trouble and the restore. This reporting code is sent to the System Maintenance call direction group.
3/4 – Panel Low Battery Trouble/Restore
These reporting codes are transmitted when the panel battery voltage falls below 11.5VD or is restored. These reporting
codes are sent to the System Maintenance call direction group.
5/6 – Panel Battery Absent Trouble/Restore
These reporting codes are transmitted when the panel battery is not connected or is restored. These reporting codes are
sent to the System Maintenance call direction group and are transmitted when the panel battery is detected as absent.
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