12.10.4. Plate output
Using this tab, the plate output routine can be run
directly. This routine is used for outputting plates off
the Autosampler III.
Init Plate Output - Initializes the correct parts on
the Autosampler III for outputting plates off the
Autosampler III.
Reset Init - Resets the homing of the parts used for
outputting plates.
Move Plate Out - Moves a plate out of the Autosampler III.
Yellow - Warning during routine
Green - Successful run of routine
Red - Error during routine
12.10.5. Pipetting arm
Using this tab, the pipetting arm can be controlled
Init Arm - Initializes all the parts of the pipetting arm
(Z and Y axis).
Reset Init - Resets the homing of the pipetting arm.
13. Camera jobs
The following chapter describes how to create new and adjust existing camera jobs using the Cognex
software. In addition, a list of changeable camera parameters is added to the chapter.
13.1. Create new camera job
The steps described below can be used to create a new Cognex job (i.e., for a new sample or a new layout of
an existing sample). Follow the steps as described below very carefully.
Step 1: Make sure the machine is on and initialized
Make sure the Autosampler III and the compressor are switched on and initialized. The Autosampler III should
not be running and the Xperimate application needs to be closed, before connecting to the Cognex camera.
Step 2: Open In-Sight Explorer
Open the In-Sight Explorer camera software by clicking at the icon located on the desktop.
Reserved for certified engineers.
Operations to be carried out only by certified personnel.