6.5.2. Start priming method
Start priming the pumps by using the "Prime" button on the HMI. The following pumps will be primed:
Pipetting pumps (4x)
Reagent pumps (2x)
Washing pump (1x)
The following methods are available to prime individual pump sections:
The priming method will initialize the pumps and pumps liquid through the tubing to prime the channels.
During priming of the pumps, the status light will be blinking blue. When the pump priming is finished,
the status light will be blue, indicating the Autosampler III is ready to be used.
Autosampler III priming method
6.6. Loading plates
Before the system can perform its basic operations, plates should be loaded into the system.
Step 1: Run "03-LoadPlates" method
From the HMI screen, start the "03-LoadPlates" method. The destacker lift will move upward, so that the
plates can be loaded.
Select method and press "Start"