The Autosampler III has a dedicated pump bay from which all fluids used in the system originate. The fluid bay
houses the pumps, fluid containers and the cooling block. From the fluid bay, the liquids are distributed within
the system. The fluid bay has a raised edge to prevent any accidental spillage from falling on the floor. The
bottom of the bay has a drain plug that can be connected to the waste connection. The layout of the fluid bay
can be seen in the figure below.
Samples enter the machine from an external rolling conveyor. The system separates the carton boxes from each
other and aligns the box to the side rail (green) with a push bar (blue). This allows the Autosampler III to work
with various box and sample sizes. As the cardboard box is slightly tilted at an angle, filling of the partially filled
boxes with material to keep them in place may be needed. Products that are not aligned in some form may not
be recognized for sampling.