Inputs unhealthy on IO Module [ ], S pack IONet [ ] - Message Timeout
Possible Cause
I/O pack restarting or restarted
I/O pack application/configuration is missing
Application/configuration does not match in the I/O pack and controller
Failed Ethernet connection between I/O pack and controller
Ethernet cable inserted into wrong connector on I/O pack
Reset all diagnostic alarms.
Rebuild and download application to all controllers and I/O packs.
Reload firmware and application.
Verify that Ethernet cable on I/O pack matches the ToolboxST configuration.
Check for faulty Ethernet cable from I/O pack to network switch and/or from switch to controller. Replace cable(s) if
Replace the I/O pack.
Defective network switch, place I/O pack's Ethernet cable into empty port. If problem persists, replace network switch.
Inputs unhealthy on IO Module [ ], T pack IONet [ ] - Message Timeout
Possible Cause
Pack restarting or restarted
I/O pack application/configuration is missing
Application/configuration does not match in the I/O pack and controller
Failed Ethernet connection between I/O pack and controller
Ethernet cable inserted into wrong connector on I/O pack
Reset all diagnostic alarms.
Rebuild and download application to all controllers and I/O packs.
Reload firmware and application.
Verify that Ethernet cable on I/O pack matches the ToolboxST configuration.
Check for faulty Ethernet cable from I/O pack to network switch and/or from switch to controller. Replace cable(s) if
Replace the I/O pack.
Defective network switch, place I/O pack's Ethernet cable into empty port. If problem persists, replace network switch.
GEH-6855_Vol_II Mark VIeS Functional Safety Systems Volume II
Public Information