Signal Input
The PPDA I/O pack features a 62–pin connector to the host board. It is helpful to review the pin assignments on that
The signals shown in red are predefined for all I/O packs that use the 62–pin connector. This ensures that if a I/O pack is
mounted to an incorrect board, there will not be power or ID wiring problems. The diagram arrangement displays six clear
groups of signals. Each group consists of a feedback ground reference, five analog signals, and two wires for an ID line. Each
group originates on a JPDx board with each board type providing a different set of signal definitions. On the PPDA each
analog signal is sensed differentially with respect to the group
providing substantial immunity to common
mode noise and differences between the I/O pack ground (FE) and the JPDx board ground (sometimes PE). The ID line for
each group allows the PPDA to identify the board that is driving the signals of each group and respond accordingly. The
PPDA provides a modest amount of output power using DINPWR and SCOM to support boards where a fully passive
feedback circuit is not possible. This power passes straight through the ribbon cable to all connected boards.
PDM Power Distribution Modules
GEH-6855_Vol_II System Guide 307
Public Information