Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip
coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by YDOA
and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. Each of the option boards also contains an ID
device that uniquely identifies the board.
The SRLY provides diagnostic feedback to YDOA indicating each relay position by monitoring an isolated set of contacts on
each relay. When WROB is used with SRLY, isolated voltage feedback is used to detect fuse status for the six fuse pairs on
the board. The solenoid excitation is monitored downstream of the fuses and an alarm is latched if it falls below 9 V dc.
When WROF is used with SRLY, isolated voltage feedback is used to monitor each fuse. If voltage is present and the fuse is
open a diagnostic alarm is generated. This alarm can be disabled in the ToolboxST application for YDOA configuration to use
the feedback circuit without the fuse. When WROG is used with SRLY, isolated voltage feedback is used to monitor each
fuse. If voltage is present and the fuse is open, a diagnostic alarm is generated.
There are no jumpers associated with the SRLY terminal board.
Option board WROBH1 includes six jumpers that are used to apply or remove power from a relay. Boards are produced with
all six jumpers in place. The jumper is removed from the board when a relay is to be used as dry contacts and power
distribution is not desired.
There are no jumpers associated with the WROFH1 board. For each relay the inclusion or exclusion of a series fuse is
determined by the terminal point used as the relay common. In addition for each relay the associated WROF fuse may be
removed to allow direct use of the fuse voltage sensing circuit as a voltage detector.
There are no jumpers associated with the WROGH1 board.
GEH-6855_Vol_II Mark VIeS Functional Safety Systems Volume II
Public Information