1x/2x Vibration Phasor function measures the peak-to-peak displacement component at both the Keyphasor frequency (VIB_
1Xn) and twice the frequency (VIB_2Xn). The VIB_Type selection determines which Keyphasor is used as the source for this
function. Selecting VibProx will disable this function, selecting VibProx-KPH1 will enable the 1x/2x Tracking Filter
operation relative to KPH1 (Channel 13), and selecting VibProx-KPH2 will enable the 1x/2x Tracking Filter relative to KPH2
(Channel 12)
SysLim1GAPn, SysLim2GAPn – System Limit status for GAPn_VIBn value as True/False.
SysLim1VIBn, SysLim2VIBn – System Limit status for VIBn value as True/False. Refer to
for more
Vibration Displacement Configuration
VibType - VibProx, VibProx-KPH1, and VibProx-KPH2 are used for Vibration Displacement.
VibProx-KPH1 enables the 1x/2x Tracking Filter operation relative to KPH1 (Channel 13) and VibProx-KPH2 enables
the 1x/2x Tracking Filter relative to KPH2 (Channel 12)
Scale – Conversion from Volts to engineering units (EU). Typically, units are Volts/mils.
TMR_DiffLimt – TMR Voter Disagreement Detection Diagnostic alarm threshold for GAPn_VIBn value. Value is expressed
as absolute difference in EU.
GnBiasOvride, Gain, Snsr_Offset – See Gain/Bias Override
SysLimit#, SysLim#Enabl, SysLim#Latch, SysLim#Type – Refer to
System Limits feature
Scale_Off, LMlpcutoff – Unused for this sensor type.
VIB_CalcSel – Select calculation method for VIBn value between Peak Displacement and RMS Displacement.
Sensors monitoring position of rotating elements typically measure Peak-to-Peak.
TMR_DiffLimt – TMR Voter Disagreement Detection Diagnostic alarm threshold for VIBn value. Value is expressed as
absolute difference in EU.
SysLimit#, SysLim#Enabl, SysLim#Latch, SysLim#Type – Refer to
System Limits feature
FilterType, Fltrhpattn, Filtrhpcutoff, Fltrlpattn, Filtrlpcutoff – Unused for this sensor type.
GEH-6855_Vol_II Mark VIeS Functional Safety Systems Volume II
Public Information