JPDG DC 24V Voltage GND fdbk mag (JPS1/JPS2 connector) out of range
Possible Cause
The 24/48 V dc ground feedback magnitude is greater than the Gnd_Mag_Trig_Volt.
The Gnd_Mag_Trig_Volt is set too low.
Only one side of the 24/48 V dc source voltage is grounded.
Verify that the Gnd_Mag_Trig_Volt is set correctly.
Check the connections to the specified connector.
Check the grounding of the dc input signals.
If 24/48 V dc input is not used, this diagnostic alarm can be disabled by setting the InputDiagEnab parameter on the
associated input (DC_24VFdbkMag) to
210 – 211
JPDG DC 24V Voltage dry contact input [ ] (P4 connector) not OK
Possible Cause
The power supply contact is open. The power supply is not operating normally.
The power supply dry contact feedback is not connected to the terminal board P4 connector.
Verify the status of the power supply contact, and that the power supply is operating correctly.
Check the connections between the power supply and the P4 connector on the JPDG.
If the 24/48 V dc input is not used, this diagnostic alarm can be disabled by setting the InputDiagEnab parameter on the
associated input (DC_24VFdbkMag) to
JPDG fuse FU10/FU11 (JFA connector) is blown
Possible Cause
The FU10 or FU11 fuse is blown.
Replace the fuse.
If the 24/48 V dc input is not used, this diagnostic alarm can be disabled by setting the InputDiagEnab parameter on the
associated input (DC_24VFdbkMag) to
PDM Power Distribution Modules
GEH-6855_Vol_II System Guide 359
Public Information