Current Outputs
The following are typical channel wiring options for mA outputs. HART option is supported. Dithering is not supported.
E xte rnal l y Pow ered Thr ee -w ir e R ec eiv er
E xte rnal Power ed Fou r - wi re R ec ei ver
P owe
Two - wire R ec ei
0–20 mA Analog Current Outputs
To avoid false heat alarms, ensure that the output loads are more than 600 ohms for
the loop current (moving power dissipation and heat to outside of the YUAA package)
when using more than 8 channels of Current Output at ambient temperatures above
60°C (140 °F).
It is possible to drive into shorted loads causing all power dissipation to be within the
YUAA package. In this situation, there may be thermal alarms generated from the
processor board while in hot ambient conditions.
YUAA Universal I/O Modules
GEH-6855_Vol_II System Guide 189
Public Information