To configure GAP9_POS1
From the ToolboxST Component Editor, navigate to the
Gap 9-11
Select GAP9_POS1, and click the
Show Advanced Parameters
the Advanced Parameters are used if setting up system limits.
Configure it to match the following example.
If the YVIB firmware is receiving valid sensor data, then this is expected:
Gap values are passed through a 2-pole, low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 8 Hz. This will not affect either the
5Hz, 2Vpp vibration or the DC component of 9.5 V dc. The DC portion of the wave will be converted to 47.5 mils, and
the AC portion of the wave will be converted to ±5.0 mils. We will remove 50.0 mils from the scaled wave, so the
GAP9_POS1 value will be -2.5 ± 5.0 mils.
SysLim1GAP9 is false and SysLim2GAP9 is true. Since SysLim2GAP9 is latching, it will remain true until the GAP9_
POS1 signal is ≥ -5.0 and system limits are commanded to reset.
YVIB Vibration Monitor Modules
GEH-6855_Vol_II System Guide 245
Public Information