configure timezone
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
The following command configures GMT offset for Mexico City, Mexico and disables automatic DST:
configure timezone -360 noautodst
MST - Mountain Standard
Saskatchewan, Canada
PST - Pacific Standard
Los Angeles, CA, Cupertino, CA, Seattle,
YST - Yukon Standard
AHST - Alaska-Hawaii Standard
CAT - Central Alaska
HST - Hawaii Standard
NT - Nome
IDLW - International Date Line West
CET - Central European
FWT - French Winter
MET - Middle European
MEWT - Middle European Winter
SWT - Swedish Winter
Paris, France; Berlin, Germany;
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Brussels,
Belgium; Vienna, Austria; Madrid, Spain;
Rome, Italy; Bern, Switzerland;
Stockholm, Sweden; Oslo, Norway
EET - Eastern European, Russia Zone 1
Athens, Greece; Helsinki, Finland;
Istanbul, Turkey; Jerusalem, Israel;
Harare, Zimbabwe
BT - Baghdad, Russia Zone 2
Kuwait; Nairobi, Kenya; Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia; Moscow, Russia; Tehran, Iran
ZP4 - Russia Zone 3
Abu Dhabi, UAE; Muscat; Tblisi;
Volgograd; Kabul
ZP5 - Russia Zone 4
IST – India Standard Time
New Delhi, Pune, Allahabad, India
ZP6 - Russia Zone 5
WAST - West Australian Standard
CCT - China Coast, Russia Zone 7
JST - Japan Standard, Russia Zone 8
EAST - East Australian Standard
GST - Guam Standard
Russia Zone 9
IDLE - International Date Line East
NZST - New Zealand Standard
NZT - New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand; Fiji, Marshall
Table 6: Greenwich Mean Time offsets (Continued)
GMT Offset
in Hours
GMT Offset
in Minutes
Common Time Zone References