Commands for Managing the Switch
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
limits that may decrease the maximum file size to only 16 MB, which may be too small to install
ExtremeWare XOS images.
If your TFTP server does not support blocksize negotiation, the switch displays a message similar to the
following when you attempt a get (
) or put (
) operation:
Note: The blocksize option is not supported by the remote TFTP server.
Without this option, the maximum file transfer size is limted to 32MB.
Some older TFTP servers may be limited to 16MB file.
Using TFTP.
Use TFTP to download a previously saved configuration file or policy file from the TFTP
server to the switch. When you download a file, this command does not automatically apply it to the
switch. You must specify that the downloaded file be applied to the switch. For example, if you
download a configuration file, issue the
use configuration
command to apply the saved
configuration on the next reboot. You must use the
command to activate the new configuration.
If you download a policy file, use the
refresh policy
command to reprocess the text file and update
the policy database.
You also use TFTP to upload a saved configuration file or policy file from the switch to the TFTP server.
If your download from the TFTP server to the switch is successful, the switch displays a message
similar to the following:
Downloading megtest2.cfg to switch... done!
If your upload from the switch to the TFTP server is successful, the switch displays a message similar to
the following:
Uploading megtest1.cfg to TFTPhost ... done!
Up to eight active TFTP sessions can run on the switch concurrently.
You must configure DNS in order to use the
Host Name and Remote IP Address Character Restrictions.
This section provides information about the
characters supported by the switch for host names and remote IP addresses.
When specifying a host name or remote IP address, the switch permits only the following characters:
Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
Numerals (0-9)
Period ( . )
Dash ( - ) Permitted only for host names
Underscore ( _ ) Permitted only for host names
Colon ( : )
When naming or configuring an IP address for your network server, remember the requirements listed
Local and Remote Filename Character Restrictions.
This section provides information about the characters
supported by the switch for local and remote filenames.