show log configuration
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
Filter Name : DefaultFilter
Match regex : Any
Severity : Info (through Critical)
Format : MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh <Severity:Component.SubComponent.Condition>
Log Filter Name: DefaultFilter
I/ Severity
E Comp. Sub-comp. Condition CEWNISVD
- ------- ----------- ----------------------- --------
I All --------
Log Filter Name: myFilter
I/ Severity
E Comp. Sub-comp. Condition CEWNISVD
- ------- ----------- ----------------------- --------
I STP --------
Include/Exclude: I - Include, E - Exclude
Component Unreg: * - Component/Subcomponent is not currently registered
Severity Values: C - Critical, E - Error, W - Warning, N - Notice, I - Info
Debug Severity : S - Debug-Summary, V - Debug-Verbose, D - Debug-Data
+ - Debug Severities, but log debug-mode not enabled
If Match parameters present:
Parameter Flags: S - Source, D - Destination, (as applicable)
I - Ingress, E - Egress, B - BGP
Parameter Types: Port - Physical Port list, Slot - Physical Slot #
MAC - MAC address, IP - IP Address/netmask, Mask - Netmask
VID - Virtual LAN ID (tag), VLAN - Virtual LAN name
L4 - Layer-4 Port #, Num - Number, Str - String
Nbr - Neighbor, Rtr - Routerid, EAPS - EAPS Domain
Proc - Process Name
Strict Match : Y - every match parameter entered must be present in the event
N - match parameters need not be present in the event
This command was first available in ExtremeWare XOS 10.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.