Command Reference Overview
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
With ExtremeWare XOS software version 11.2, BGP functionality moved from the Advanced Core
license level to the Core license. You have BGP functionality with a Core license.
When you are working with modular switches, the license belongs with the switch chassis, not with the
particular MSM module.
The licensing levels required for each feature, if any, are outlined in the discussion of each feature. If
licensing is not mentioned, the full functionality of that feature is available on every switch.
If you attempt to execute a command and you do not either have the required license or have reached
the limits defined by the current license level, the system returns one of the following messages:
Error: This command cannot be executed at the current license level.
Error: You have reached the maximum limit for this feature at this license level.
License Levels
This section discusses the licensing capabilities of the various switches.
Upgrading License on the Summit X450e Series Switch Only
The Summit X450e series switch ships with an Edge license. With ExtremeWare XOS 11.5, you can
obtain the Advanced Edge license for these switches. The Core and Advanced Core licenses are not
available for the Summit X450e series switch.
After you have obtained a license, you cannot downgrade licenses. The license key contains all the
necessary information on the license level.
Refer to the specific chapter of the
ExtremeWare XOS Concepts Guide
to determine if the Advanced Edge license is
required for some functionality. If not noted, all functionality is available, and a license is not required.
Upgrading License on the BlackDiamond 8800 Series Switch and Summit X450 and
X450a Series Switches Only
The BlackDiamond 8800 series switch and the Summit X450 and X450a series switches ship with an
Advanced Edge license. With ExtremeWare XOS 11.2, you can obtain the Core license for these switches.
The Core license provides additional functionality for some features, as well as Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) functionality, on these switches.
The Advanced Core license is not available for the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch or the Summit
X450 or X450a series switches.
After you have obtained a license, you cannot downgrade licenses. The license key contains all the
necessary information on the license level.
Refer to the specific chapter of the
ExtremeWare XOS Concepts Guide
to determine if the Core license is required
for some functionality. If not noted, all functionality is available, and a license is not required.