ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
Index of Commands
show vlan, 781
show vlan dhcp-address-allocation, 1035
show vlan dhcp-config, 1036
show vlan eaps, 1157
show vlan stpd, 1227
show vman, 785
show vr, 812
show vrrp, 1316
show vrrp vlan, 1319
ssh2, 1037
start process, 291
synchronize, 1931
telnet, 237
telnet msm, 239
terminate process, 293
tftp, 241
tftp get, 245
tftp put, 248
top, 1988
traceroute, 109
traceroute mac port, 452
unconfigure access-list, 860
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
check, 1410
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
option, 1411
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
policy, 1412
unconfigure diffserv, 940
unconfigure dot1p replacement, 2007
unconfigure eaps port, 1161
unconfigure eaps shared-port link-id, 1159
unconfigure eaps shared-port mode, 1160
unconfigure elrp-client, 1990
unconfigure icmp, 1413
unconfigure igmp, 1860
unconfigure inline-power budget slot, 550
unconfigure inline-power disconnect-precedence,
unconfigure inline-power operator-limit ports, 552
unconfigure inline-power priority ports, 553
unconfigure inline-power usage-threshold, 554
unconfigure iparp, 1414
unconfigure irdp, 1415
unconfigure lldp, 506
unconfigure log filter, 710
unconfigure log target format, 711
unconfigure mld, 1891
unconfigure mstp region, 1229
unconfigure netlogin dot1x guest-vlan, 1098
unconfigure netlogin vlan, 1099
unconfigure ospf, 1603
unconfigure ospfv3, 1660
unconfigure pim, 1861
unconfigure pim ssm range, 1862
unconfigure ports aggregate-bandwidth, 941
unconfigure ports display-string, 412
unconfigure ports redundant, 413
unconfigure qosprofile, 942
unconfigure radius, 1040
unconfigure radius-accounting, 1042
unconfigure rip, 1500
unconfigure ripng, 1534
unconfigure sflow, 713
unconfigure sflow agent, 714
unconfigure sflow collector ipaddress, 715
unconfigure sflow ports, 717
unconfigure slot, 414
unconfigure stpd, 1230
unconfigure stpd ports link-type, 1231
unconfigure switch, 1934
unconfigure tacacs, 1044
unconfigure tacacs-accounting, 1045
unconfigure tunnel, 1462
unconfigure udp-profile, 1416
unconfigure vlan dhcp, 1046
unconfigure vlan dhcp-address-range, 1047
unconfigure vlan dhcp-options, 1048
unconfigure vlan ipaddress, 788
unconfigure vman ratelimit flood-traffic
designated-port, 945
uninstall image, 1935
upload configuration, 1937
upload debug-info memorycard, 1974
upload log, 718
use configuration, 1942
use image, 1944
vi, 2007
virtual-router, 814