ESRP Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure esrp group
configure esrp <esrpDomain> group <number>
Configures the group number to be used for the ESRP domain.
Syntax Description
The default group number is 0.
Usage Guidelines
Each group runs an instance of ESRP within the same VLAN or broadcast domain. A maximum of
seven ESRP groups can be defined within the same networked broadcast domain. In addition, a
maximum of seven distinct ESRP groups can be supported on a single ESRP switch. You can configure a
maximum of 32 ESRP groups in a network.
The range for the
parameter is 0 through 31.
The most typical application for multiple ESRP groups is when two or more sets of ESRP switches are
providing fast-failover protection within a common subnet for two or more groups of users. An
additional use for ESRP groups is ESRP Host Attach; ESRP VLANs that share the same ESRP HA ports
must be members of different ESRP groups.
You must first disable an ESRP domain before you modify an existing or add a new group number. If
you try to modify the group number without disabling the ESRP domain, an error message similar to
the following is displayed:
ERROR: can't change ESRP group for active domain "esrp1"!
To disable an ESRP domain, use the
disable esrp {<esrpDomain>}
The following command configures ESRP domain esrp1 to be a member of ESRP group 2:
configure esrp esrp-1 group 2
This command was first available in ExtremeWare XOS 11.0.
Specifies an ESRP domain name.
Specifies the ESRP group number to which this ESRP domain should be
added. The range is 0 through 31.