Default Notes
Although a relay controller is capable of fast responses, it is recommended to set the
to be similar to the response of the system.
Minimum ON
10 ms to 3
100 ms
Minimum ON time
must be long enough to ensure that the AVR can detect the shortest
pulse that the controller sends to it. You can increase the
Minimum ON time
to force a slow
system to respond to the controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the AVR
output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the AVR
output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
Maximum ON
0 to 100 % 100 %
You can decrease the Maximum ON time to force a fast system to respond less to the
controller's regulation.
If the controller needs to increase the AVR output, the AVR increase digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is increasing the AVR
output, the AVR decrease digital output is not activated.
If the controller needs to decrease the AVR output, the AVR decrease digital output is
activated for at least the Minimum ON time. While the controller is decreasing the AVR
output, the AVR increase digital output is not activated.
6.7 Configuration alarms
6.7.1 GOV relay setup incomplete
The alarm is based on the
configuration of the controller. The controller activates the alarm when only one of the
following digital outputs is configured:
Regulators > GOV > Control > GOV increase
Regulators > GOV > Control > GOV decrease
The alarm action is
and the alarm remains active until the configuration is corrected.
The alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
6.7.2 AVR relay setup incomplete
The alarm is based on the
configuration of the controller. The controller activates the alarm when only one of the
following digital outputs are configured:
Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR increase
Regulators > AVR > Control > AVR decrease
The alarm action is
and the alarm remains active until the configuration is corrected.
The alarm is always enabled. The alarm parameters are not visible.
6.7.3 GOV output selection failure
The controller activates the alarm if an output, either relay or analogue, was selected as the regulation output, but the selected
output is then removed from the
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