4.10 Advanced blackout prevention
4.10.1 Advanced blackout prevention function
The advanced blackout prevention (ABP) function stops a faulty genset from causing a blackout. ABP trips the BTB if a genset
governor or AVR fails. ABP also trips the faulty genset's generator breaker. The ABP protections allow the system to run with the
bus tie breaker (BTB) closed during critical operations. This saves fuel.
ABP is optional, and is not enabled by default.
ABP is a set of protections, and therefore overrides the requirements of the power management system (PMS).
Requirements for ABP
If you want to use ABP, ensure that you have:
At least one GENSET controller in each section.
At least one BUS TIE breaker controller between the sections.
ALL the ABP alarms enabled in the BUS TIE breaker controller(s).
Recommendations for ABP
Before closing the bus tie breaker during critical operation, DEIF recommends that you:
Ensure that there is at least one connected genset in each section.
Set the GENSET controller priorities so that the power management system does not disconnect and stop all of the gensets in
one section.
In each section, connect the
Power management > Available P in section [%]
analogue output to the heavy consumer(s), for
example, the thruster. If ABP trips the BTB and the available power for a section is reduced, the heavy consumer can then
reduce its load.
Configure the timers for tripping the BTB and disconnecting the gensets so that the BTB trips first. The faulty genset's GENSET
controller can then trip the generator breaker after the BTB trips.
Single-line diagram
Configure ABP in the BUS TIE breaker controller(s) and the GENSET controllers.
If one or more ABP alarms are not enabled in a BUS TIE breaker controller, ABP is not enabled for that BUS TIE breaker controller.
For BUS TIE breaker controllers where all the ABP alarms are enabled, ABP trips the BTB based on the measurements from the
connected GENSET controllers on the Busbar A section and Busbar B section.
ABP can be used with multiple BUS TIE breaker controllers and busbar sections. Each BUS TIE breaker controller with ABP
enabled responds to the measurements from the closest connected GENSET controllers on its Busbar A section and Busbar B
When a BTB is opened or closed, the busbar sections change.
The position of an externally controlled bus tie breaker affects the busbar sections. However, ABP cannot be configured for an
externally controlled bus tie breaker.
More information
Power management
Power management principles
Busbar sections
for more information.
ABP is not designed for connected shaft generators and/or shore connections, and ignores their measurements.
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