Genset breaker does not open if this would cause overload or a blackout
Fast load-reduction
Configurable recovery after blackout
Efficient operation
Intelligent load calculations
Advanced load-dependent start and stop calculations
Advanced (individually configurable) asymmetrical load sharing
Secured operation (power reservation)
Load control
Load transfer (for synchronisation, de-loading and load sharing)
Load-dependent start (two sets of parameters available)
For example,
Normal start
Faster start
(low available power)
Based on active or apparent power, or on percentage of nominal power
Load-dependent stop (two sets of parameters available)
For example,
Normal stop
Faster stop
(high available power)
Based on active or apparent power, or on percentage of nominal power
Power management system calculates control set points
Based on system configuration, controller modes, and load sharing
Frequency, power, voltage, power factor and/or var
External analogue inputs as control set points
Genset priority selection
Set using the display unit 1st priority push-button, the display unit interface, or Modbus
Delayed priority shift
Dynamic (first genset to connect has the highest priority)
Running hours
Heavy consumer
Up to 4 fixed and/or variable heavy consumers per controller
Pre-programmed heavy consumer management sequence (with configurable parameters)
Digital or analogue* feedback from the heavy consumer
Busbar section
Configurable power management rules for each section
Up to 4 externally-controlled breakers per controller**
Bus tie breakers and/or shore connection breakers
Ring busbar
Load sharing
Active power (kW) load sharing (GOV)
Reactive power (kvar) sharing (AVR)
Load sharing between gensets
Over the DEIF network
Load sharing options for each busbar section
Equal load sharing (symmetrical)
Asymmetric P load sharing for gensets
Asymmetric Q load sharing for gensets
Shaft generator base load, with asymmetric load sharing for the gensets
Shore connection base load, with asymmetric load sharing for the gensets
One genset base load, with asymmetric load sharing for the other gensets
*Note: For some controllers, the default hardware does not include analogue inputs. Extra hardware must be installed if analogue
feedback from the heavy consumer is required.
**Note: Up to 3 externally-controlled breakers per EMERGENCY genset controller.
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