For an externally controlled bus tie breaker, the power management system does not synchronise the busbar sections. The
power management system does not close the breaker either. Similarly, the power management system does not de-load
an externally controlled bus tie breaker, or open the breaker.
More information
Breakers, synchronisation and de-loading
Regulation required for synchronisation
for more
information about synchronising busbars.
More information
Power management
Power management alarms
Breaker # feedback position failure
for more information about
the alarm.
7.8.2 Externally controlled shore connection
The externally controlled shore connection function allows an externally controlled shore connection to be present. This breaker is
opened or closed by the operator. The DEIF controllers only receive position feedback from the breaker, and do not control it.
Single-line diagram
To add an externally controlled shore connection to the single-line diagram:
1. In PICUS, under
Configure > Single-line
, drag the
Shore connection icon
to the right place on the
single-line diagram.
2. Select
, then select a controller from the list. The external breaker feedback digital inputs must
be connected to this controller.
a. Optional: You can add one or more redundant breaker feedbacks for the external shore connection
breaker. Select the externally controlled shore connection breaker on the single-line diagram, and
select a controller to provide the redundant breaker feedback under
Redundant breaker feedback
3. Broadcast the changes to all the controllers in the system.
If needed, you can override the controller ready status.
You can assign a total of up to four external breakers (these can be bus tie breakers and/or shore connections) to each controller
(but only three external breakers to an EMERGENCY genset controller).
Each external breaker can be assigned to any controller type, anywhere in the single-line diagram.
Additional equipment
You should install a check sync relay or a paralleling relay in the switchboard, to check the synchronisation before closing, for
example, the DEIF CSQ-3 or HAS.
Inputs and outputs
Assign the externally controlled shore connection inputs in the chosen controller under
Configure > Input/output
. Select the
hardware module, then select the digital input to configure.
Table 7.24
Hardware required in addition to the minimum standard controller wiring
Breakers > Breaker feedback # > Feedback >
Breaker # feedback closed*
Digital input Continuous
The feedback ensures that the controller system
knows when the external breaker is closed.
Breakers > Breaker feedback # > Feedback >
Breaker # feedback open*
Digital input Continuous
The feedback ensures that the controller system
knows when the external breaker is open.
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