AC (120V) Isolated Output Module
Cat. No. 1771-OD
Installation Data
This document provides information on:
important pre–installation considerations
power supply requirements
initial handling procedures
installing the module
using the module indicators for troubleshooting
replacing the fuse
module specifications
An output from this module can drive an Allen–Bradley Size 5 motor
starter, provided its supply voltage does not drop below 105V ac. The
maximum load current the module can deliver is 2A per channel, not to
exceed 6A total per module.
The switching device in the output circuit is a triac. There is a small
leakage current in the off state due to both triac and capacitive
characteristics. The maximum leakage current per output is 5mA at
138V ac. Nominal leakage current is 1mA. The on–state voltage drop
across the output terminals is no more than 2.0V ac at 100mA.
The triac needs a minimum of 60mA load current to stay on. If your
device pulls less than 60mA, the triac will not operate. The total
continuous current the module supports is 6A (2A maximum per channel).
If this rating is exceeded, the module overheats and damage may occur.
To The Installer
Pre-installation Considerations