
Use gear m ark in g co m p o u n d (yellow lead ch ro m ate
o r equivalent) and ap p ly this m ixture sp arin g ly to
all ring g e ar teeth using a m edium stiff brush.
W hen p ro p e rly used, the a re a o f p in io n tooth
contact will be visible w hen h a n d load is applied.
T ighten b e arin g cap bolts to specifications.
A pply load to gears by e x p a n d in g b rak e shoes or by
w rap p in g a heavy rag aro u n d the co m p an io n flange
to resist ro tatio n .
N O T E : A test m ade w ith o u t lo ad in g the
gears will not give a sa tisfa cto ry p a tte rn .
T u rn co m p an io n flange w ith w rench so th at
ring g ear rotates one full revolution th en
reverse ro ta tio n so th a t rin g g e a r rotates one
revolution in opposite d irectio n . Excessive
tu rn in g o f rin g g ea r is not recom m ended.
O bserve p a tte rn on rin g g e a r teeth and com pare
w ith figure 13F. M ake ad ju stm en ts as necessary.
The im p o rta n t th in g to achieve in the p a tte rn check
and subseq u en t ad ju stm en ts is to locate the contact
p a tte rn centrally on the face o f the rin g g e a r teeth.
Adjustments Affecting Tooth Contact
Two adjustm ents can be m ad e w hich will affect tooth
contact p a tte rn . T hese ad ju stm e n ts are backlash and
position o f drive p in io n in ca rrie r. T he effects o f b earin g
preloads are n o t read ily a p p a re n t on h a n d loaded teeth
p a tte rn tests; how ever, these ad ju stm en ts should be
w ithin specifications b efo re p ro c eed in g w ith backlash
and drive p in io n adjustm ents.
N O TE: It m ay be necessary to a d ju st b oth
p in io n d ep th a n d backlash to o b ta in the
correct p a tte rn .
The position o f the drive p in io n is ad ju sted by
increasing or d ecreasin g the shim thickness o f the in n e r
shim , located betw een the re a r b e a rin g cup and the
carrie r housing. In creasin g the shim thickness will move
the p inion closer to cen terlin e o f the rin g gear.
D ecreasing shim thickness will m ove p in io n fa rth e r away
from centerline o f the rin g gear.
Backlash is adjusted by m eans o f the side b ea rin g
adju stin g shim s w hich m oves the e n tire case an d ring
g e a r assem bly closer to, or fa rth e r fro m the d riv e pinion.
(The adjusting shim s are also used to set side b earin g
preload). To increase backlash, increase rig h t shim and
decrease left shim an equal am o u n t. To decrease
backlash, decrease rig h t shim a n d increase left shim an
equal am ount.
DANA 9 - 3 / 4 " RING GEAR
G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n ............................................................................ 4B-61
D ifferen tial C ase—R em oval an d D isa sse m b ly .......................... 4B-62
D riv e P in io n —R em oval a n d D isassem b ly ................................... 4B-63
D ifferen tial C ase—R e a sse m b ly ........................................................ 4B-64
D riv e P in io n —Installation a n d A d ju stm e n t............................... 4B-64
D ifferen tial C ase—In stallatio n an d A d ju stm e n t........................ 4B-66
T his D a n a S picer axle is sim ilar in design to o th e r
S alisbury type axles w ith the follow ing exceptions:
T he differential side b e a rin g shim s are located
betw een the side b e a rin g cone and roller assem bly
and the differential case. See figure 14F. These
b earin g s are o f the tap ered roller design and are
p relo ad ed . In o rd e r to rem ove the differential case
the c a rrie r m ust be spread.
T he p in io n assem bly inco rp o rates a n in n e r an d
o u ter b e a rin g shim . T he in n e r shim is used to
m a in ta in p ro p e r p in io n d epth. T he o u ter shim is
used to m a in ta in p ro p e r p relo ad on the p in io n
b earin g .
Summary of Contents for 1977 10 Series
Page 1: ......
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Page 65: ...STEERING 3B 23 Fig 3B 65 M easure Back and Remark Housing Fig 3B 67 Tighten Lock Nut...
Page 86: ...4B 14 OVERHAUL MANUAL Fig 4B 28 Gear Teeth C ontact Pattern Check...
Page 125: ...REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL 4B 53 Fig 18E Gear Teeth Contact Pattern Check...
Page 156: ......
Page 164: ...4C 8 OVERHAUL MANUAL Fig 4C 12 Gear Tooth Pattern Contact Pattern...
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Page 322: ...400 7A 2 OVERHAUL MANUAL Fig 7A 1C Side Cross Section Typical...
Page 444: ...7B 64 OVERHAUL MANUAL Fig 7B 11S M od el 2 03 Transfer Case Exploded V iew...
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