DocID025202 Rev 7
Serial peripheral interface / inter-IC sound (SPI/I2S)
TXFIFO. Both TXE and RXNE events can be polled or handled by interrupts. See
Another way to manage the data exchange is to use DMA (see
If the next data is received when the RXFIFO is full, an overrun event occurs (see
description of OVR flag at
Section 30.5.10: SPI status flags
). An overrun event can be
polled or handled by an interrupt.
The BSY bit being set indicates ongoing transaction of a current data frame. When the clock
signal runs continuously, the BSY flag stays set between data frames at master but
becomes low for a minimum duration of one SPI clock at slave between each data frame
Sequence handling
A few data frames can be passed at single sequence to complete a message. When
transmission is enabled, a sequence begins and continues while any data is present in the
TXFIFO of the master. The clock signal is provided continuously by the master until TXFIFO
becomes empty, then it stops waiting for additional data.
In receive-only modes, half-duplex (BIDIMODE=1, BIDIOE=0) or simplex (BIDIMODE=0,
RXONLY=1) the master starts the sequence immediately when both SPI is enabled and
receive-only mode is activated. The clock signal is provided by the master and it does not
stop until either SPI or receive-only mode is disabled by the master. The master receives
data frames continuously up to this moment.
While the master can provide all the transactions in continuous mode (SCK signal is
continuous) it has to respect slave capability to handle data flow and its content at anytime.
When necessary, the master must slow down the communication and provide either a
slower clock or separate frames or data sessions with sufficient delays. Be aware there is no
underflow error signal for master or slave in SPI mode, and data from the slave is always
transacted and processed by the master even if the slave could not prepare it correctly in
time. It is preferable for the slave to use DMA, especially when data frames are shorter and
bus rate is high.
Each sequence must be encased by the NSS pulse in parallel with the multislave system to
select just one of the slaves for communication. In a single slave system it is not necessary
to control the slave with NSS, but it is often better to provide the pulse here too, to
synchronize the slave with the beginning of each data sequence. NSS can be managed by
both software and hardware (see
Section 30.5.5: Slave select (NSS) pin management
When the BSY bit is set it signifies an ongoing data frame transaction. When the dedicated
frame transaction is finished, the RXNE flag is raised. The last bit is just sampled and the
complete data frame is stored in the RXFIFO.
Procedure for disabling the SPI
When SPI is disabled, it is mandatory to follow the disable procedures described in this
paragraph. It is important to do this before the system enters a low-power mode when the
peripheral clock is stopped. Ongoing transactions can be corrupted in this case. In some
modes the disable procedure is the only way to stop continuous communication running.
Master in full-duplex or transmit only mode can finish any transaction when it stops
providing data for transmission. In this case, the clock stops after the last data transaction.
Special care must be taken in packing mode when an odd number of data frames are