Advanced-control timers (TIM1)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Figure 151. Counter timing diagram, Update event with ARPE=1 (counter overflow)
20.3.3 Repetition
Section 20.3.1: Time-base unit
describes how the update event (UEV) is generated with
respect to the counter overflows/underflows. It is actually generated only when the repetition
counter has reached zero. This can be useful when generating PWM signals.
This means that data are transferred from the preload registers to the shadow registers
(TIMx_ARR auto-reload register, TIMx_PSC prescaler register, but also TIMx_CCRx
capture/compare registers in compare mode) every N+1 counter overflows or underflows,
where N is the value in the TIMx_RCR repetition counter register.
The repetition counter is decremented:
At each counter overflow in upcounting mode,
At each counter underflow in downcounting mode,
At each counter overflow and at each counter underflow in center-aligned mode.
Although this limits the maximum number of repetition to 32768 PWM cycles, it makes
it possible to update the duty cycle twice per PWM period. When refreshing compare
registers only once per PWM period in center-aligned mode, maximum resolution is
, due to the symmetry of the pattern.
The repetition counter is an auto-reload type; the repetition rate is maintained as defined by
the TIMx_RCR register value (refer to
). When the update event is generated by
software (by setting the UG bit in TIMx_EGR register) or by hardware through the slave
mode controller, it occurs immediately whatever the value of the repetition counter is and the
repetition counter is reloaded with the content of the TIMx_RCR register.
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