Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 5
: Smartcard mode enable
This bit is used for enabling Smartcard mode.
0: Smartcard Mode disabled
1: Smartcard Mode enabled
This bit field can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0).
Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and forced by
hardware to ‘0’. Please refer to
Section 29.4: USART implementation on page 837
Bit 4
: Smartcard NACK enable
0: NACK transmission in case of parity error is disabled
1: NACK transmission during parity error is enabled
This bit field can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0).
Note: If the USART does not support Smartcard mode, this bit is reserved and forced by
hardware to ‘0’. Please refer to
Section 29.4: USART implementation on page 837
Bit 3
: Half-duplex selection
Selection of Single-wire Half-duplex mode
0: Half duplex mode is not selected
1: Half duplex mode is selected
This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0).
Bit 2
: IrDA low-power
This bit is used for selecting between normal and low-power IrDA modes
0: Normal mode
1: Low-power mode
This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0).
Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to ‘0’. Please
refer to
Section 29.4: USART implementation on page 837
Bit 1
: IrDA mode enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: IrDA disabled
1: IrDA enabled
This bit can only be written when the USART is disabled (UE=0).
Note: If IrDA mode is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced by hardware to ‘0’. Please
refer to
Section 29.4: USART implementation on page 837
Bit 0
: Error interrupt enable
Error Interrupt Enable Bit is required to enable interrupt generation in case of a framing
error, overrun error or noise flag (FE=1 or ORE=1 or NF=1 in the USART_ISR register).
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: An interrupt is generated when FE=1 or ORE=1 or NF=1 in the USART_ISR register.