Advanced-control timers (TIM1)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 15
Output Compare 2 clear enable
Bits 14:12
: Output Compare 2 mode
Bit 11
: Output Compare 2 preload enable
Bit 10
: Output Compare 2 fast enable
Bits 9:8
: Capture/Compare 2 selection
This bit-field defines the direction of the channel (input/output) as well as the used input.
00: CC2 channel is configured as output
01: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI2
10: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI1
11: CC2 channel is configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TRC. This mode is working only if
an internal trigger input is selected through the TS bit (TIMx_SMCR register)
Note: CC2S bits are writable only when the channel is OFF (CC2E = ‘0’ in TIMx_CCER).
Bit 7
Output Compare 1 clear enable
0: OC1Ref is not affected by the ocref_clr_int signal
1: OC1Ref is cleared as soon as a High level is detected on ocref_clr_int signal
(OCREF_CLR input or ETRF input)