Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 17
End of Sampling phase flag of the slave ADC
This bit is a copy of the EOSMP2 bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 16
Slave ADC ready
This bit is a copy of the ADRDY bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bits 15:11 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 10
Injected Context Queue Overflow flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the JQOVF bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 9
Analog watchdog 3 flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the AWD3 bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 8
Analog watchdog 2 flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the AWD2 bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 7
Analog watchdog 1 flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the AWD1 bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 6
End of injected sequence flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the JEOS bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 5
End of injected conversion flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the JEOC bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 4
Overrun flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the OVR bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 3
End of regular sequence flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the EOS bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 2
End of regular conversion of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the EOC bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 1
End of Sampling phase flag of the master ADC
This bit is a copy of the EOSMP bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.
Bit 0
Master ADC ready
This bit is a copy of the ADRDY bit in the corresponding ADCx_ISR register.