Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 16
: Discontinuous mode for regular channels
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable Discontinuous mode for regular channels.
0: Discontinuous mode for regular channels disabled
1: Discontinuous mode for regular channels enabled
Note: It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode enabled: it is forbidden
to set both DISCEN=1 and CONT=1.
Note: It is not possible to use both auto-injected mode and discontinuous mode simultaneously: the
bits DISCEN and JDISCEN must be kept cleared by software when JAUTO is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Note: When dual mode is enabled (bits DUAL of ADCx_CCR register are not equal to zero), the bit
DISCEN of the slave ADC is no more writable and its content is equal to the bit DISCEN of the
master ADC.
Bit 15 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 14
: Delayed conversion mode
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the Auto Delayed Conversion mode.
0: Auto-delayed conversion mode off
1: Auto-delayed conversion mode on
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 and JADSTART=0 (which ensures
that no conversion is ongoing).
Note: When dual mode is enabled (bits DUAL of ADCx_CCR register are not equal to zero), the bit
AUTDLY of the slave ADC is no more writable and its content is equal to the bit AUTDLY of the
master ADC.
Bit 13
: Single / continuous conversion mode for regular conversions
This bit is set and cleared by software. If it is set, regular conversion takes place continuously until it is
0: Single conversion mode
1: Continuous conversion mode
Note: It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode enabled: it is forbidden
to set both DISCEN=1 and CONT=1.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Note: When dual mode is enabled (bits DUAL of ADCx_CCR register are not equal to zero), the bit
CONT of the slave ADC is no more writable and its content is equal to the bit CONT of the
master ADC.
Bit 12
: Overrun Mode
This bit is set and cleared by software and configure the way data overrun is managed.
0: ADCx_DR register is preserved with the old data when an overrun is detected.
1: ADCx_DR register is overwritten with the last conversion result when an overrun is detected.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).