Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 5
: End of injected conversion interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of an injected conversion interrupt.
0: JEOC interrupt disabled.
1: JEOC interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the JEOC bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when JADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Bit 4
: Overrun interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the Overrun interrupt of a regular conversion.
0: Overrun interrupt disabled
1: Overrun interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the OVR bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Bit 3
: End of regular sequence of conversions interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of regular sequence of conversions
0: EOS interrupt disabled
1: EOS interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOS bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Bit 2
: End of regular conversion interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of a regular conversion interrupt.
0: EOC interrupt disabled.
1: EOC interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOC bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Bit 1
: End of sampling flag interrupt enable for regular conversions
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of the sampling phase interrupt for
regular conversions.
0: EOSMP interrupt disabled.
1: EOSMP interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOSMP bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 (which ensures that no regular
conversion is ongoing).
Bit 0
: ADC ready interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the ADC Ready interrupt.
0: ADRDY interrupt disabled
1: ADRDY interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the ADRDY bit is set.
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADSTART=0 and JADSTART=0 (which ensures
that no conversion is ongoing).