- 6
The following shows the main parameters, which must be changed, among parameter No. PA .
PA01 Selection of control mode (refer to section 4.1.3)
Select the control mode of the driver, and whether to enable or not the one-touch tuning function.
0: Position control mode
1: Position control mode and internal speed control mo
2: Internal speed control mode
3: Internal speed control mode and internal torque control mode
4: Internal torque control mode
5: Internal torque control mode and position contr
ol mode
6: Positioning mode (point table method)
7: Positioning mode (program method)
Parameter No. PA01
One-touch tuning function selection
0: Valid
1: Invalid
If "1" is set, the one-touch tuning is ignored.
Selection of control mode
Note 1. The control change mode cannot be used.
PA02 Selection of regenerative option (refer to section 4.1.4)
Set this parameter when using the regenerative option.
Selection of regenerative option
00: Regenerative option is not used.
For servo amplifier of 100W, regenerative resistor is not used.
For servo amplifier of 200 to 400W, built-in regenerative resistor is
02: MR-RB032
03: MR-RB12
Parameter No. PA02
PA05 Number of command input pulses per servo motor revolution (refer to section 4.1.6)
Set the number of command input pulses necessary to rotate the servo motor one turn.
When "100 (10000[pulse/rev])" (initial value) is set to parameter No. PA05, the servo motor rotates one turn
by inputting 1000 pulses of the command pulse to the driver. When "0" is set to parameter No. PA05, the
servo motor rotates one turn by inputting the command pulse of servo motor resolution to the driver.
Parameter No. PA05
Servo motor resolution [pulse/rev]
100 to 500
Number of command input pulses necessary to rotate the servo motor one
turn [
100 pulse/rev]
input pulses
Value converted to the number of
command input pulses per revolution
Servo motor
FBP conversion
(Note 1)
Electronic gear
Parameter No. PA05
(Note 2)
Note 1. This process converts the number of the pulses required to rotate the servo motor one turn to the value set in parameter No.
2. Electric gear numerator and denominator can be set by parameters No. PA06 and PA07. (Refer to section 4.1.7.)
Note 1)
Note 1)
Note 1)
Selection of regenerative option
00:Regenerative option is not used
For driver of 100W, regenerative resistor is not used.
For driver of 200W to 400W, regenerative resistor is not used.