4 Data Descriptions
4.3 Interface signals
© Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved
SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI) - Edition 11.03
The sequence for "test stop external shutdown" is comparable with the
sequence for test stop (refer to Chapter 3.1.3 Testing the shutdown paths).
After selecting "test stop external shutdown", the SGA "enable pulse externally"
is cancelled and a timer started with the value
For 840D
For 611 digital
When the timer expires before a checkback signal for pulse cancellation is
received, Alarm 27001 with code number 1010 is output. In addition, a STOP A
is initiated for the drive and the pulses cancelled via the internal shutdown path.
This state can only be exited with a POWER ON.
The state of the active monitoring functions (SBH, SG, SE, SN) is not changed
by the "test stop external shutdown".
This branch must also be subject to a forced-checking procedure due to the
introduction of an additional possibility of activating STOP A, C, D and E (from
SW 6.4.15 onwards) via SGEs.
The test stop of external STOPs is divided into the following 2 phases:
Phase 1
The shutdown path is tested as always (refer to Chapter 3.1.3, "Testing
shutdown paths"). The safe pulse cancellation is tested to ensure that it is
functioning correctly. Successful completion of this phase is signaled as
– For the NCK monitoring channel:
A positive checkback signal is returned in the form of a 0/1 edge from
SGE "status, pulses cancelled".
– For the drive monitoring channel:
The positive checkback signal is displayed using the SGA "pulses are
Phase 2
The correct functioning of the safe pulse cancellation was already
separately tested for both channels in phase 1.
Therefore, in this phase, it is sufficient to check the function of the SGE
standstill requests.
All of the externally wired/used stopping SGEs are switched in both
channels one after the other and the positive response evaluated via the
associated SGA.
Phase 2 only has to be performed if the function "external STOPs" has been
Only the enabled and activated external standstill functions have to be tested.
test stop external
(at axis only,
SW 6.3 and higher)
Test stop for external
(840D, SW 4.4.18 and