5 Commissioning
5.5 Diagnostics
© Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved
SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI) - Edition 11.03
occurs between $A_INSE and $A_INSEP. The index value then
results from a channel error signaled from the PROFIsafe module
(Alarm 27254) that is assigned the appropriate $A_INSE(P)
variable (e.g. discrepancy error)
Error in the system variables $A_OUTSE(P)[01...64
27090 / Alarm 27254)
If the safety-related output signal is output at a PROFIsafe
module, then only a safe signal state is transferred. This means,
Alarm 27090 signals an internal logic error ($A_OUTSE(P)-
variables differ) and Alarm 27254 signals a channel error
signaled from the PROFIsafe module that is assigned to the
appropriate $A_OUTSE(P) variable (e.g. short-circuit fault)
Error in system variables $A_INSI(P)[01...64]
(only Alarm 27090)
Error in system variables $A_OUTSI(P)[01...64]
(only Alarm 27090)
Error in system variables $A_MARKERS(P)[01...64]
(only Alarm 27090)
The file, in which the extended texts are defined, is also declared in the
configuration file for the alarm server (file MBDDE-INI) in the section
File excerpt: mbdde.ini
; Example : Standard entry
We recommend that this file for the extended text is located in the HMI user
Every parameter can be assigned a dedicated text in this file, whereby the text
entry is located in front of the associated parameter value (refer to the following
file excerpt).
File excerpt: alsi_gr.com
000000 0 0 "Parametrierfehler MD11500/DB18.DBX36.0 bzw.
000001 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_INSE(P)[01]"
000064 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_INSE(P)[64]"
000065 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_OUTSE(P)[01]"
000128 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_OUTSE(P)[64]"
000129 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_INSI(P)[01]"
000192 0 0 "Anwendertext $A_INSI(P)[64]"
Definition of the
extended text