Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
- 72 -
HD3N Series User Manual V1.1
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Setting channel of motor torque
0000 - 7777 [0000]
Define the setting channel of torque value.
Unit: Electric torque limit channel when motor is FWD
Ten: Electric torque limit channel when motor is REV
Hundred: Braking torque limit channel when motor is FWD
Thousand: Braking torque limit channel when motor is REV
0: Limit by digital setting.
1: Limit by analogue input.
2: Limit by terminal pulse.
3: Limit by AI1.
4: Limit by AI2.
7: Potentionmeter. Valid when LED keypad adopted only.
Electric torque limit when motor is FWD
0.0 - 200.0 (F08.02) [180.0%]
Electric torque limit when motor is REV
Braking torque limit when motor is FWD
Braking torque limit when motor is REV
Be careful when setting F10.11 - F10.14 as too high value may cause damage to motor.
F11: Motor Vector Control Current-loop Parameters
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Current-loop KP of motor
1 - 2000 [800]
Current-loop KI of motor
1 - 1000 [200]
F09.00 and F09.01 are the PI regulator parameter of current ring (ACR).
Generally adjustment to current-loop parameters is not recommended.
Current-loop output filter times
0 - 31 [3]
F11.02 is used to filter the output of ACR.
Enable feedforward of motor current-loop
0,1 [0]
The current-loop feedforward real time calculates the voltage feedforward according to motor parameter,
detected excitation field current and torque current.
When motor parameters are correct, it enables current-loop feedforwaed which quickens the system
Please forbid current-loop feedforward when motor parameters are not correct.
0: Forbid feedforward.
1: Enable feedforward.
Motor excitation boost setting
0.0 - 30.0 [0.0%]
The setting range is 0.0
30.0% motor idling excitation current.
Increase motor excitation current and increase the loaded capacity of motor whenit is heavily loaded
during rated frequency range.
To optimize motor magnatic field orientation
00 - 11 [00]
Units:Orientation adjustment
0: Prohibit.
1: Enable.
Ten: Mutual inductance calculation
0: Prohibit.
1: Enable.