Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
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HD3N Series User Manual V1.1
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Action of length when length is met
0 - 2 [0]
Action of length at stop
0 - 2 [0]
0: Clear to 0.
1: Remain.
2: Continue calculating.
Aux PID limit (F19.35 - F19.36)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Aux PID output limit
0.0 - 100.0 [100.0%]
When aux frequency selects PID, adjustment upper limit of PID output = F19.35
main setting frequency.
Aux PID output setting
0.0 - 100.0 [0.0%]
Aux PID output setting = output llimit of F19.35 + F19.36
Frequency adjustment range (F19.37)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Frequency adjustment range
000 - 111 [100]
Unit: main frequency calculating range
0: 0-max. frequency.
1: Negative max. frequency- max. frequency.
Ten: Aux frequency calculating range
0: 0-max. frequency.
1: Negative max. frequency- max. frequency.
Hundred: Resultant frequency calculating range
0: 0-upper limit frequency.
1: Negative upper limit frequency–upper limit
Short-circuit detection (F19.38)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Inter-phase short-circuit detection
0,1 [1]
Used to detect inter-phase short-circuit before running HD3N.
0: Do not detect.
1: Detect.
Input voltage selection (F19.39)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Inout voltage selection
0 - 2 [0]
0: 380 - 460V.
1: 260 - 460V.
2: 200 - 460V.
Note: when F19.39 = 1 or 2, HD3N needs derating to use, and the actual output current should not surpass rated
output current of HD3N.
Braking function (F19.24 - F19.25, F19.40 - F19.41)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Flux braking PI regulator Kp
0 - 4000 [1000]
Flux braking PI regulator Ki
0 - 500 [20]