Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Function Introduction
HD3N Series User Manual V1.1
- 95 -
LCD backlight (F19.44)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
LCD backlight display time
0.0 - 999.9 [5.0min]
Defines display time of keypad LCD backlight when there is no operation on keypad.
F19.44 = 0, backlight always light.
Back always light at fault.
At normal state, backlight lights for time of F19.44 and then does not light. Now pressing any button only
turns on backlight and do not send command.
F20: Fault Protection Parameters
Overload fault (F20.00 - F20.02)
Ref. code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Overload pre-alarm detection
00000 - 31111 [00000]
Unit: Overload pre-alarm detection
0: It is active all the time in running status.
1: It is active only at constant speed.
Ten: Overload pre-alarm action
0: HD3N doesn’t alarm and continues running when detecting an active overload signal.
1: HD3N alarms and stops running when detecting an active overload signal.
Hundred: Overload detection threshold
0: Relates to rated current of motor (alarm E0019: motor overload).
1: Relates to rated current of HD3N (alarm E0017: inverter overload).
Thousand: Motor type
0: Standard motor. As the cooling effect of the standard motor deteriorates at low speed, HD3N will
automatically make regulation to the time of motor overload protection.
1: Variable frequency motor. The cooling effect of the variable frequency motor is not affected by the
motor speed due to its forced cooling potential, HD3N will not automatically make regulation to the time
of motor overload protection.
Ten thousand: Overload protection
0: Enable inverter overload protection and motor overload protection.
1: Enable inverter overload protection; shield motor overload protection.
2: Shield inverter overload protection; enable motor overload protection.
3: Shield inverter overload protection and motor overload protection.
Overload pre-alarm detection value
20.0 - 200.0 [150.0%]
Defines the current value for overload pre-alarm. It relates to rated current of motor or inverter.
Overload pre-alarm detection time
0.0 - 60.0 [5.0s]
When output current of HD3N > F20.01, and duration>F20.02, HD3N will report E0017 fault (inverter
overload) or E0019 fault (motor overload).