Lift the receiver of your telephone. You will hear the internal dial
Dial the telephone number. You hear the exchange's ringing tone.
You can now make the call. Room monitoring
From your device's analogue, SIP or ISDN telephone, you can acoustically monitor a room.
For this, the telephone in the room to be monitored must be activated for room monitoring
using a key and the receiver must have been lifted or Hands-free turned on. If you replace
the telephone receiver or turn off "Hands-free", room monitoring ends and the performance
feature is switched off. This performance feature cannot be used for inquiries or call for-
The device contains 4 channels for changing connections from e.g. calling via a SIP
provider to ISDN or analogue telephones. If room monitoring is carried out using an
SIP telephone, one of these channels is permanently occupied and is no longer avail-
able for other connections.
Activating room monitoring for a telephone
Lift the telephone receiver in the room to be monitored or switch on
Hands-free. You hear the internal dialling tone.
You hear the positive acknowledge tone.
Do not replace the receiver or turn off Hands-free.
Room monitoring from an internal telephone
Lift the receiver of the telephone you want to use to monitor the
room. You hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial the internal telephone number of the telephone to be monitored.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
3 User's guide for telephone functions
funkwerk TR200aw/bw