Extension Number
You can assign another internal number to the extension
(subscriber) from the list.
Extension Name
You can give the extension a name; a string of up to 20 charac-
ters is possible. The name is displayed on the internal symbol
Primary Telephonenum-
Possible values:
: If the default value is selected, the system tries
to set up another external connection if the subscriber's ex-
ternal connection is not working. In this case, all active VoIP
configurations under PBX -> Line Configuration-> VoIP
Configuration are first tried. If a connection can still not be
set up, the connection is set up over ISDN or the analogue
connection, depending on the device connection you are us-
• You can also select a specific alternative via which the extern-
al connection is to be established if you have configured fur-
ther connections under PBX->Line Configuration-> VoIP
Configuration or External Numbers. Note that you can only
configure additional External Numbers for point-to-multipoint
and point-to-point connections.
Terminal type
Only for Port =
Values in the list Extension
page 309)
If the analogue port is selected, you can choose between sever-
al terminal types.
Possible values:
(default setting)
: / +
* )&
, > %44*&
4" $)
9 " /"
User name
Only for Port =
Values in the list Extension
on page
The user name and extension number must be identical. The
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
14 PBX
funkwerk TR200aw/bw