works state and which can also be obtained free of charge or at additional cost. You can
access this data sheet at
Entering licence data
You can obtain the licence data for extra licences via the online licensing pages in the sup-
port section at
. Please follow the online licensing instructions.
(Please also note the information on the licence card for licences at additional cost.) You
will then receive an e-mail containing the following data:
• License Key and
• Licence Serial Number
You enter this data in the System Administration -> Global Settings-> System Licenses
-> New menu.
In the System Administration -> Global Settings ->System Licenses menu, a list of all
registered licenses is shown (Description, License Type, License Serial Number,
Possible values for Status:
Possible values for Status:
Subsystem is activated.
Not OK
Subsystem is not activated.
Not Supported
You have entered a licence for a subsystem your device does
not support.
In addition, above the list is shown the System License-ID required for on-line licensing. Edit/New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Choose the New button to add licences.
6 System Management
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
funkwerk TR200aw/bw