6 """
(default value)
" /* -
" /* -
" /* > 6 9/:
" /* > A 9/:
" /* > 6 9/:
" /* > A 9/:
6: /* > 6 9/:
6: /* > A 9/:
6: /* > 6 9/:
6: /* > A 9/:
: The interface is created but remains inactive.
Current Speed / Mode
Displays the actual mode and actual speed of the interface.
Possible values:
/* > 6 9/:
/* > A 9/:
/* > 6 9/:
/* > A 9/:
7.2 ADSL Modem
7.2.1 ADSL Configuration
In this menu, you make the basic settings for your ADSL connection.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
7 Physical Interfaces
funkwerk TR200aw/bw